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Monday, August 2, 2010

Women Are Missing Men of Quality

Women should relax and make a decision simply to wait for a man that would appreciate the love she has to give. That would give her the kind of love she can appreciate, they wouldn't be so eager to grab anything passing by like a Jaguar waiting in a tree. Women should act more like a professional hunter or fisherman, and if the prey they just caught isn't a trophy, toss it back.

Women have been missing men of quality and those same values for a very long time. When a man shows a woman, any woman, no matter what she looks like or acts like, that he will speak to and listen to her with respect and sincerity. Then, regardless of his appearance, she is smitten with an instant admiration. Not only did he speak to her as a brother would {meaning with an honest sincerity} but because he didn't even mention anything sexual.

She will respond without cause for concerns, as she has just witnessed something she has only dreamed of her entire life and possibly never, ever witnessed… until now. A man of integrity. This applies to all women on this planet. Not treating a woman with respect was the downfall of man and the reason women have classified men as degenerates, pigs, and so on. An insanely true fact is that a man that starts off referencing to anything sexual with a woman without allowing the woman to break that ice first…


Every one of the women on my list of friends is really a friend, and I have spoken with them all at one time or another, and many quite often. I'm constantly getting emails from many just to talk or flirt because they want a man to talk with that shows them respect. That alone, showing them sincere respect… and I do mean sincere, is the key. Women will spot a fake way before he opens his mouth.

Practice speaking with a sister or female cousin that you actually do care for and simply speak that same way, with your heart doing the thinking, to women. I graciously turn down a minimum of 2 marriage proposals a week, {I was grabbed by my wife long ago} which ought to prove my point. I don’t want anybody thinking I’m still available.

It is a wish that I try to tell every man I come across how to enrich his life with something that will make him a much better man. If men would just give an attempt, it would allow them to see the change come over women when seeing the kind of man they are looking for. By a man improving his behavior would give him a chance to experience the attitudes of women in his life improve. By men simply respecting and listening to the hearts of women would show women that not all men are pigs thinking with the wrong head all the time.

To have the “Women, can't live with them, can't shoot them” kind of comments men give is the type of indifference to women that caused the gap between us all. We caused women's attitude by not giving them the consideration they deserve. Gallantry, chivalry, loyalty, and honor are the codes to live by and die for, and they seem to be the right codes that attract women.

What I am expressing here is the side effect from this type of living. Fortunately I was raised by those values and I understand our need to show our masculinity, however by exposing our weakness, our sincerity, to women will allow them to see far more than just a muscle. They will see a man with a heart. That, my friends, is stronger than any other muscle we have, and means everything to a woman.

If anything is helpful in this and I have helped just one man gain ground in the eyes of women, then I have improved women’s opinion of men just a little. Recovering our ability to stand next to our women in their eyes and hearts, instead of behind and a little to the left of them, is my quest. If you have the ability to grasp the meaning of what I am telling you here, the quality of your life just changed and your smile just grew. I hope I helped you and the people in your life. Let me know.

© Merle Evans, 2010